Subjects Choices

Curriculum Overview
All learners at York High School follow the Department of Basic Education’s Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement, or the CAPS curriculum for short.

At the end of their Grade 12 year, learners write the National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations, the successful completion of which will result in them being issued with a National Senior Certificate (or matric certificate) by the DBE.

Grade 8 & 9 learners at York High School each take the following subjects:
  • English Home Language
  • Afrikaans First Additional Language*
  • Mathematics
  • Natural Sciences (Includes a Biology and Science component)
  • Economic Management
  • Sciences (Includes a Financial Literacy & Business component)
  • Social Sciences (Includes a History & Geography component)
  • Creative Arts (Learners can choose from Music, Dance,
  • Drama and Visual Arts) Technology or Digital Technology **
* Learners who have recently immigrated to South Africa or who have lived outside of South Africa for an extended period may be exempted from passing Afrikaans First Additional Language, but must still take the subject. This exemption is granted at the discretion of the WCED.
** In 2024, Grade 8 learners will take Digital Technology instead of Technology as part of a pilot program. From 2025, all Grade 8 & 9 learners will take Digital Technology instead of Technology.

All Grade 10-12 learners are required to take at least seven subjects. Of these, the following four are compulsory:

  • English Home Language
  • Afrikaans First Additional Language*
  • Either Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy
  • Life Orientation

* Learners who have recently immigrated to South Africa or who have lived outside of South Africa for an extended period may qualify for an Immigrant Assessment Accommodation. This Accommodation will exempt them from taking Afrikaans First Additional Language as a subject. Instead, they will be allowed to take another subject (language or non-language) in its place. Immigrant Assessment Accommodations are granted at the discretion of the WCED.

Learners must then select three choice subjects from the following options:

  • Accounting
  • Business Studies
  • Computer Applications Technology (CAT)
  • Consumer Studies
  • Dance Studies
  • Geography
  • History
  • Life Sciences
  • Music
  • Physical Sciences
  • Visual Arts

Subject Choices are made according to lines, whereby a learner must take one subject in each line. CLICK HERE to view the line structures.

Learners may also choose to take Information Technology (IT) or Applied Mathematics (AP Maths) as an additional subject (an 8th or 9th subject). Lessons for these subjects take place after school, usually on a weekly or twice-weekly basis, and involve an additional fee that is separate from York High School fees.

IT lessons are offered at Outeniqua High School.

AP Maths is an IEB subject (and not part of the CAPS curriculum). Learners’ results for AP Maths are not included on their York High Academic Reports and do not form part of their term averages. At the end of Grade 12, their final AP Maths result are issued separately by the IEB and do not appear on the National Senior Certificate issued by the DBE.


  • Mini-exams are written in terms one and three, where every subject is assessed over a period of 7 days.
  • Formal examinations are written in terms two and four.
    Scientific practical examinations take place in Life Sciences, Consumer Studies and Physical Sciences.
  • All subjects are assessed according to stipulations in curriculum documents.
  • Reporting is done on quarterly achievements. Reports include subject teacher comments on the learner’s progress.

Academic Panel

If you are academically strong in any subject, the Academic Panel might just be the place for you to use your talents! Or … if you may need a little help (or a lot!) in any subject, the Academic Panel is the solution for all your worries. If you need a tutor in any subject, just fill out the tutoring slip and pop it in the box at reception. It will change your life … and the results on your report card!

Appointments are then being made for some serious one-on-one tutoring to take place. Tutees respond positively to these sessions and say “that it is much easier to ask questions to a peer instead of directing the questions during a class to the teacher”. They also tend to think that the tutors’ explanations are often done in understandable teen language. Every Wednesday during 2nd break during a meeting in Room 504 the tutoring slips are discussed and allocated to our very capable and committed tutors.

Academic Panel members take turns to assist in Mathematics tutoring during the extra classes (for individual help) on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons in Room 504. A booking sheet is available on this classroom’s door. So sign up if you need any help!

Some workshops are being planned for different subjects and topics. So keep your eyes and ears open for these classes presented by our tutors. A great thank you to each and every Academic Panel tutor for the difference you made to your tutee’s results!


At York we believe it is important to extend our students and nurture their talents in every way possible. We encourage participation in Olympiads across various disciplines, including Mathematics, Science, CAT, Consumer Studies, Geography, and English.

These Olympiads provide a platform for students to delve deeper into their chosen subjects, developing a fresh and deeper understanding of concepts. There is benefit in the exposure to knowledge and questions beyond the curriculum and the challenge to engage in unfamiliar material. Students are encouraged to strive for academic excellence, and rigorous preparation motivates them to perform at their best.

Olympiad questions are designed to be challenging and thought-provoking and require students to think critically and creatively. These are important skills – invaluable in academics and life beyond the classroom. They also introduce healthy competition among students, motivating them to strive for excellence, and inspiring them to pursue careers in fields they are passionate about.

Participation in Olympiads can awaken passions and open doors to opportunities. Top performances bring recognition and a sense of accomplishment and mastery, which is encouraging for any student. It most certainly contributes to the overall quality of education, providing students with opportunities to engage with stimulating material, and to excel.

Our commitment to Olympiads is a commitment to nurturing the intellectual potential of our students, and to the shaping of a brighter future for them.


  • Grade 8 – 11:
    (749 Candidates 748 Passed) = 99,8% Pass Rate

  • Grade 12:
    (178 Candidates 176 Passed) = 98,9% Pass Rate

  • York High School in the “TOP 100 SCHOOLS” (Sunday Times, October 2009), and consistently amongst the top 25 schools in the Western Cape.

The school is proud of the successes its alumni have achieved at several universities – most notable of these may be Dr. Nathan Rose who lectures at Oxford University in Biochemistry.

Academic Report 2022

  • Bachelor: 72,22%
  • Diploma: 18,89%
  • Certificate: 7,78%
  • Bachelor: 87,08%
  • Diploma: 9,55%
  • Certificate: 3,37%
  • Bachelor: 86,78%
  • Diploma: 10,91%
  • Certificate: 2,29%
  • 20 learners received “A” aggregates.
  • 2 learners received 8 subject distinctions.
  • 5 learners received 7 subject distinctions.
  • 5 learners received 6 subject distinctions.
  • 237 subject distinctions.
  • 313 subject 70% aggregates.

Grade 12 Achievers 2022

GBF Provincial Awards

At this ceremony, held at Leeuwenhof on Thursday 2 February 2023, York High School received the following awards:

Candidate with the highest mark in Computer Applications:
Keanan Carstens

Candidate with the highest mark in Dance Studies:
Amani Lamprecht

Candidate with 100% for a subject:
Ludolph Pedro, Business Studies and Amani Lamprecht, Dance Studies

Two candidates in top 40 overall in the province:
Ludolph Pedro and Samuel Leggatt

York High School also received the following results at the ECKED NCS AWARD CEREMONY CLASS OF 2022:

Best Performing Candidate per Quintile

Ludolph Pedro

Top Candidate in the District

Ludolph Pedro

Top District Subject Achievers

Business Studies:
Ludolph Pedro

Keanan Carstens

Dance Studies:
Amani Lamprecht

Ludolph Pedro

English Home Language:
Amani Lamprecht

David Hoffman

Judith Pollicut

Life Sciences:
Amani Lamprecht

Samuel Leggatt

Samual Leggatt

Physical Sciences:
Ludolph Pedro