York High School was born from a community’s vision and passion. Nearly 50 years ago, there was no English Medium high school between Cape Town and Port Elizabeth and so English-speaking learners had to pursue alternative options outside of George.
After reams of letters, countless meetings and endless lobbying by local families and businesses, the Department of Education gave the green light, and on Christmas Eve in December 1974, the first school desks were ready for collection at the George Railway Station.
Vision and passion have never left York High School. As pioneers in the post-Apartheid years, York was one of the first to welcome all learners into its classrooms. York High became the school that truly reflected our George community. Our progressive outlook has steered our provision of academic, sport and cultural activities as well as a sustained culture of service to the community. Underlying all of this, of course, is our well-known ‘gees’ and ethos of ‘Heart and Soul’.
We continue to pursue excellence in all that we do, individually and as part of our Sea of Blue. We have never been more invested in our community. The legacy of our community’s investment in us can be seen in the hundreds and hundreds of learners who apply to join our school each year.
There is a new vision. As a school community, we are rising to meet the new needs of George and learners who are in pursuit of excellence themselves. There is now no need to go elsewhere because, with support from our broader community, we can continue to grow – now that our roots are so firmly set.